Monday, August 20, 2012

Seventy Six- One Hundred

76. Visit the Library
Good gracious, it's been a long time since I've been here.

77. Water Balloon Fight

78. Water Color
I am not artistic. Not even with water colors.

79. Go Without TV for a Day
I didn't think I would be able to do this one. I love TV... But it wasn't so bad. & I even went to sleep with no trouble in the pitch black dark!

80. Fast from Social Media
I fasted from Facebook & Twitter & Instagram for a week. Again, I didn't think I was going to be able to do it, but it wasn't hard at all!! I have always thought of myself as a social media addict, but I know now that I can quit anytime that I want!

81. Kite
The kite just didn't work out. It was too hard. I need practice.

82. Flea Market
I packed up the car with Mackenzie & Jade... but it ended up raining. So we parked & walked around in the rain. It was not exactly pleasant...

83. Game Night, 84. Pool Party & 85. Jump off a Diving Board
All the ladies got together & sat out by the pool, played games & ate so much... Oh, lawd! I love being with my girls!

86. Run a Full Mile
Normally, I just run a half, walk a half. For 3 miles then I call it quits. BUT I decided to just run the full mile. The fat kid I used to be did a cartwheel!

87. Start Taking a New Vitamin
I bought some B12, and started taking it for about 2 weeks. It made me wired... I couldn't sleep good with it.

88. Cereal Necklace

89. Twister
Grayson had never played Twister before, and I was shocked! They were so adorable, and they only cheated a little.

90. Homemade Pizza
Pizza on the egg is the bomb. Best pizza ever!

91. Get Pictures Taken
Amy Timms (Suspended in Time Photography) took my pictures for me! Oh, it was so fun. I am incredibly awkward, so she went out of her way to make me look graceful! Thanks, Amy! You rock & the pictures are beautiful!

92. Car Wash

93. Build-A-Bear
I haven't made a build-a-bear in years!! I made this baby, and named him Sam. I really do love him. Deeply. :)

94. Trivia
The gang went & we conquered. Well, almost. 2nd place. Still good & still fun!

95. Picnic

96. Frisbee

97. Sweetwater

98. Card Games
Played war for the first time! It took too long. But it was fun!

99. Homemade Ice Cream
Ok. I was going to buy an ice cream maker, so I would have one of my own. I waited until the last minute, and the cheapest one I could find was $50. Jade & I put our thinking caps on, and Jadey gave me the grand idea to just make it the old-fashioned way. It was hard... & it did not get to an ice cream consistency. Maybe we missed a step? I don't know? But it was not edible.

100. GNO Before School
Oh, lawd. We ate our weight in Japanese food! It was so good though.! I love to spend time with each of these ladies. They are beautiful, and they are wonderful!

So. That's it. 100 things. As I sit here and type this, tears spring to my eyes. This summer has been amazing. Just absolutely indescribable. Thank you so much for following me on this adventure. It has been such a blast. I learned so much! Big & little. I am so thankful for each and every one of you that helped me to make it to my goal. I will never forget the memories we made in the past few months. I love you guys incredibly!
Here we go back to real life.
Thank you again!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Seventy- Seventy Five

70. Make a Fort
This photo is from inside of the fort. :) Mackenzie & Ozzie came in and participated in the fort making!

71. Dollar Movie
I took a picture of this, but I guess I lost it? Can't find it anywhere. Stephanie & I went to the dollar kid movie at Arbor Place and we saw 'Hoodwinked 2". It was adorable! & we were not the oldest people there without an adult either!

72. Little Five Points
After the movie, Stephanie & I ventured to Little 5 in Atlanta. That may be my last trip there... I was afraid. In the middle of the day. We stuck out like sore thumbs, and we knew it! Haha.

73. Farmer's Market
Downtown, they have a farmer's market on Thursday afternoons. People come and set up fruits, veggies & homemade items to sell. I talked to one of the vendors, and he said that the market has started small, but it is growing weekly. & that makes me happy!

74. Breakfast for Dinner
I guilted some friends into going with me to ihop to get red velvet pancakes. I have heard about them, and I decided that I wanted them to be the breakfast item that checked this off of my list. Oh my heavens... They were so delicious. Drop whatever you're doing, and go get them. Now!

75. Town Center
Town Center is probably my favorite mall. You just can't go wrong! && they have a Haagen Dazs!! Perfect!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sixty Four- Sixty Nine

64. Hopscotch

Me, Mackenzie & Ozzie did some hopscotch on the driveway. :)
The cutest part was that Ozzie sat there so long that his fur had rainbow chalk on it... Love!

65. Handprint Art
Because we already had the chalk out, we did some handprint art at the same time! :)

66. Beach Pictures
After getting ready one night, we made Dad go out on the beach with us & take our picture in our pretty maxi dresses! It's harder than I expected. Dodging the beach walkers... & keeping my eyes open. Phew.

67. Ride Bike
I rode out to the lake with Sabrina to spend the day with Jena, her boyfriend, Chris & his family.
I took the opportunity to hop on a bike... It's hard. I should have learned before now. But I guess I am just not meant to be a biker... Thanks, Chris for trying!

68. Tent
Jena & Chris also let me borrow their tent! Thanks, guys!

69. Go Tubing
I was too scared to take my phone or camera on the boat. But we did some tubing. & I even have a sore back to prove it!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sixty to Sixty Three

60. Make Cupcakes
Mackenzie & I truly made the best cupcakes EVER! Absolutely delish. :) Of course, they don't exactly fit in with my diet... but hey, it was on the list!

61. Karaoke
I took the girls out for a single lady date night to karaoke. Our non-single friends, Jade & Jena, came too though! It's always fun to do things with the people that I love most! & especially to go out to celebrate our awesomeness!

62. Zoo

Stephanie & I went to the zoo this weekend. It's funny. I always tell myself that the zoo is one of those places that you can go to every maybe 5 years... I end up going every single year! Mmm. It is so hot outside! Just wait until fall to go see the animals!!

63. Origami
I struggled. A lot. I am just not good with crafty things... Haha.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fifty- Fifty Nine

50. Facials

We were cleaning up our faces! :)

51. Face Fear of Birds 52. Feed Ducks
I put the two together! I truly am petrified of birds... but my good friend, Jade, fed the ducks with me!

53. Fireworks
54. Parade
55. Competition
I sang at the Douglasville Idol competition on the 4th! & my beautiful friends were there for me, like always!

56. Massages
Jade & I got massages at the Greentree last week. It was her first one, and I know she fell in love!

57. Roadtrip to Somewhere New 58. Visit a National Forest
We drove down to Memphis, and on the way, we drove through Talladega National Forest. & This picture is from when we stopped at the Mississippi rest stop. :)

59. Audition for Something
I auditioned for NBC's The Voice. & I made it through. :) It was such a great experience! I am glad I finally went through with it! Haha.

So. This list is my game. I create the rules. So I give myself 19 more days extra to complete all the tasks! So I have until school starts. August 19th. :) Only 41 more things!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Forty Two- Forty Nine

42. Cookies

We made snicker doodles! I have never made a snicker doodle before... and they were absolutely delicious. It was extra special because I made them at Moni's house with Moni & Addy! :) I did burn myself though. :( All healed now.

43. Bowling & 44. Laser Tag

Mom got a Groupon to Stars & Strikes. So the whole family went, and bowled and laser tagged and played games. Mom won bowling... Which surprised us all! Hahah. Just kidding, Mom. :)

45. Outdoor Movie & 46. Atlantic Station
Thursday evening, Stephanie and I went to Atlantic Station to see the outdoor movie in Central Park. It was Spiderman. It was a very cool setup, and I think I would probably go again... but it was SO hot. I do recommend going, but check the weather. If it's 100 degrees, maybe wait for the next week.

47. Write a Story
I couldn't get a good photo of this one. But writing stories reminds me of being little. I used to write stories all the time! It's neat to revisit my childhood in many of these activities!!

48. Make Cards
I made some thank you cards for my three closest friends that they don't even know about yet! I think handwritten notes are awesome, and I think that they really help to indicate the importance of the information in them! I love to get handwritten cards, so I can only assume that other people do, too! Haha.

49. Rice Krispies
It makes me so sad that this picture is blurry. :( Those are, indeed, krispies! Mmmm. They were so good! & we ate them all. Directly out of the pan. No shame.

My goal was to have 50 things done by July 1st. I have 49... But that's ok. I am having the time of my life, man! It's funny how these little things can really impact the entire summer!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Twenty Six - Forty One

26. Blow Bubbles
I bought these bubbles at wal-mart... no good! They barely bubbled at all, so I do not recommend them!

27. Play Dough

We made some peace signs & stick figures. Struggled with getting the play dough out of the containers. We just really had a grand ole time!

28. Beach
Family Trip 2012! Mom, Dad, Mackenzie & I went down to the beach for a week. It's the first time that all of us have been able to go together for an entire week since I started college! I have never looked forward to a trip like I did this one. I just needed a getaway! Jena & Jade came down halfway through the week. We sat in the sun, ate way too much, and had lots of girl talk. Just what I needed!

29. Picture with the Florida Sign
We have been coming down since I can remember... But we've never taken a picture with the sign! So, here it is! Finally!

30. Wear Sunhats
I had a picture of this... Well, my sister did. But I couldn't upload it for some reason? Anyway. I always kind of hated the big, fat sun hats... Ok. They're totally awesome. I now have two, and I think everyone needs one for the beach!

31. Star Gazing
The last night before we came home from the beach, Jena & I slept on the deck. Haha. Of course, I barely slept at all, but I did get to stare at the stars all night long! It was gorgeous, and I'm thankful for it even if I did lose a night of sleep!

32. Balloon Hats/ Animals
At Margaritaville, the stilt lady (which was real after all, Jade) came around and made us hats & animals. We explained to her the list, and she laughed. It's a good idea, lady! Do not laugh!

33. See Dolphins
We went out on the boat during our trip, and we were coming back to the marina when we ran into the dolphin adventure boats. There were dolphins everywhere! Such beautiful creatures.

34. Fishing
We went "trolling" on the boat. I'm not exactly sure what that means. But I was a part of it! Check!

35. Finger Paint
Self Explanatory. I didn't get to take a picture. :(

36. Ride on the Boat

37. BBQ
Ok. Spinnaker in Panama City has the best barbecue! Love it. We plan our trips around it! Delicious!

38. Mini Golf

We tried Black Light Mini Golf in PCB. It's near Angelo's Steakhouse. It was 7$. Yes, you heard me right. SEVEN DOLLARS. I recommend it! So fun!

39. Photo Booth
We shoved all of our faces into the little box. :) It made me feel so young! Haha. You can barely see Mackenzie, but she was indeed there!

40. Paper Airplanes
Jade taught me how to make one. I am 20 years old... & I've never made one. Haha. We threw it around for a little while then quickly got bored. But still... Check!

41. Watch the Sunrise
I knew that watching the sunset would get checked off far before this one... But when we chose to sleep on the deck in Florida on the last night there, I figured that would be the best opportunity to watch a beautiful sunrise. & it was. It's amazing what kind of emotions watching a sunrise can evoke! Beautiful!